15 June 2022
Yarram and District Health Service has apologised to the community for the recent disruption to its Meals on Wheels service.
Unfortunately, five of the six kitchen staff succumbed to sickness, some with COVID, in what was “a perfect storm” and the service could not provide meals for the external service, placing the priority on its aged care residents and hospital patients.
To ensure Meals on Wheels recipients weren’t left without any meal, staff rang all recipients who could be contacted, offering a personal carer to take them to the supermarket or alternatively to collect a meal for them. The priority was to ensure that no-one went without their usual meal.
YDHS Chief Executive, Paul Head, said the situation was unprecedented and with such short notice, it was not possible to provide written communication to recipients. “We had to work quickly and provide the best option possible,” he said.
Media release – Meals on Wheels 16062022.