YDHS Executive Team

Chief Executive Officer – Paul Head
Paul has a background in emergency nursing in addition to significant experience working in rural and remote settings, spending 7 years in the Northern Territory as the Nurse Unit Manager of the Emergency Department. During this period Paul completed a Master of Advanced Practice from Newcastle University.
Paul was an Officer in the Royal Australian Air Force for 4 years, during this time he was deployed for 4 months to the Middle East on active operations.
Paul also operated as a medical team member on-board the search & rescue helicopter service throughout the Northern Territory.
Having completed a Master of Management Paul became the Deputy Director of Nursing at Mildura base Hospital prior to transitioning to Central Gippsland Health as the Executive Director of Aged and Ambulatory Care.
Paul continued his dedication to study by undertaking a double Master’s program consisting of Master of Business Administration and Human Resource Management.
Paul is the current CEO Yarram District Health Service.

Director of Corporate Services – Jane Millard
As Director of Corporate Services at YDHS, Jane oversees our strategic planning, financial services, business support services, information and record management, communication and technology and hotel services. Jane has been with YDHS for 10 years and in that time has held several roles including management and leadership of our people and business unit and administration team.
Prior to joining YDHS, Jane had a diverse career spanning a range of sectors including luxury retail management, operations and volunteer management in the not-for-profit sector, and client relations in the arts sector.
Jane is a strategic thinker that's particularly skilled in business planning processes. She's able to develop and lead the delivery of ambitious business plans and strategies, uniting her team behind common goals and a shared vision of success and modeling a positive workplace culture by inspiring, leading and motivating staff within her team. In addition, she's skilled in delivering best-practice solutions within her portfolio of responsibility in a cost-effective manner.
Jane holds a Bachelor of Fine Art (Hons) from the University of Melbourne, a Bachelor of Fine Art from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, a Certificate IV in Procurement and Contract Management and a Certificate IV in Business Management.

Director of Clinical Services – Sally Weatherley
Sally is the Director of Clinical Services at YDHS and brings to the role more than 20 years of experience as a Registered Nurse.
She is an experienced executive with a demonstrated history of achievement within the healthcare industry, particularly the aged care sector, where she has previously held CEO roles and been responsible for the operations and management of up to four aged care sites in parallel.
Her specialties include residential aged care, service delivery, performance and process improvement, regulatory compliance and leadership.
In addition to Sally's extensive clinical knowledge and experience within the aged care sector, she also thrives and excels leading and developing high performing teams, where she focuses on working alongside team members to build their knowledge and skills.
Sally takes a resident/patient-first approach to healthcare, ensuring their needs are always at the heart of decision-making regarding their care. She works closely with not only the patient/resident, but also their family and friends to ensure she fully understands their individual needs and healthcare challenges so as she can best deliver a tailored plan of care for each individual.

Director Primary Health Care – Mitchell Schwenke
Mitchell commenced as YDHS' Director of Primary Health Care in May 2023, joining us from Orbost Regional Health where he was most recently the Director of Community Services. As a trained physiotherapist, Mitchell brings a sound understanding of the role of frontline health practitioners in the provision of primary healthcare services.
He has a particular focus on the delivery of sustainable and high-quality healthcare services that are tailored to the needs of the local community. Mitchell has spent much of his career in regional healthcare settings and he understands the challenges and opportunities associated with providing and accessing healthcare services outside of major metropolitan centres.
Mitchell is also committed to ensuring the next generation of healthcare professionals are able to access and complete tertiary education and training close to home. He has been an active advisor to Federation University in the development of the undergraduate physiotherapy program. Mitchell also has a particular interest in strategic growth and corporate finance.
Mitchell holds a Bachelor of Physiotherapy, a Graduate Certificate in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy and a Master of Health Administration.