Residential Accommodation Fees for Yarram and District Health Service

Residential accommodation fees at YDHS can be paid as a Refundable Accommodation Deposit (RAD), a Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP) or a combination of RAD and DAP.

The Daily Accommodation Payment is calculated by multiplying the maximum RAD value by the Maximum Permissible Interest Rate (MPIR), and then dividing by 365.

The MPIR is reviewed by the Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care quarterly, therefore the DAP value will vary.

Helping you navigate aged care

We recognise that understanding how residential aged care fees are calculated can be complex and confusing, particularly for those that may have limited experience with the aged care sector.

Our Residential Admission Officer is always happy to meet with you to discuss fees, including how these are calculated and options for payment that may be available to you.

Find out more

For additional information regarding our aged care services phone YDHS on 03 5182 0233 and ask to speak to our Residential Admissions Officer.

Further information is also available in our Residential Aged Care Services information booklet (pdf).